First Encounters at a Poetry Slam

My next CAPITAL LETTERS blog post is up!   Head to to read about my adventures at Canberra’s biggest poetry slam, BAD!SLAM!NO!BISCUIT!.   Or you can just scroll down!   First Encounters at a Poetry Slam Poetry is intimidating. For many (me included) it can come across as pretentious, or stuffy, or borderline incomprehensible….

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My new gig at the ACT Writers Centre

I’m so excited! Earlier this month I was lucky enough to be selected as a blogger-in-residence at the ACT Writers Centre. For the next three months, I will be blogging on their website ( What will I be writing about? Writing, of course! Better yet, my first post has just gone live! Check it out…

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Getting in the groove

I have taken some time off work, to write. For six months my family and I will be dribbling by on half a long service leave pay packet, freeing me up to spend some time at the computer, to walk my eldest to and from school each day, and to maybe see a movie with…

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I just attended a writers’ workshop on “other voices”…

Today I attended a workshop facilitated by Writers Victoria. It had been a while. Between full time work and raising two mad-as-baboons little boys, I rarely have time for such classes. I am so glad I attended this one! The topic was “other voices”, covering the fundamentals of creating characters that are believable and speak…

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Seen Sicario? This is what I want to know…

I don’t get to see a lot of movies. I have two young sons and a deficit of reliable babysitters, so my love of the cinema is generally unsated. But not last weekend. Last weekend my wife and I managed to escape for long enough to see a rather fine piece of cinema called Sicario….

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Why I write

For my first entry on my new website I want to give you an insight into why I write. But before I do that, let me take you back to where it all began.   I’m a dreamer. Not a drifty-eyed, combie-van, hope-for-the-best kind of person, but a dreamer in the most literal way. I…

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